Thinking PINK! | A Badass Inspiration

Thinking PINK! | A Badass Inspiration
I was lucky enough to see Pink perform Monday evening and it was amazing.
It was one of the best concerts that I have attended in a long time...perhaps it's because I love her music so much but I think it's because I admire so much about her and the way that she has consistently lived her life, in a very public way, all throughout my formative years.
Pink is a badass and an inspiration!
An inspiration to women, moms or not, everywhere!
I think it has to do with how open she is about life and its imperfections...and that she is not impervious to life's trials and tribulations.
She keeps it real and appreciate that...actually I prefer that!
As a mom - her speech when accepting
an award at the 2017 VMAs...was amazing!
A great message from the mom perspective about talking to your children, learning about their anxieties and helping to build their self esteem..
And then hopefully through seeing her example we can all try to LISTEN to our children and have those dialogues that help us develop humans who are:
Not just tolerant but ACCEPTING.
Not just nice but KIND
And BADASS enough to know what the right thing is and to do it.
EVERYtime I watch the video I tear up...
Whatever Pink's magic combination is, clearly her ticket sales reflect that MANY people - of all demographics - feel the same way!
PS - Just in case you haven't seen that speech
Pink - cheers to you and your badass, very talented, self!
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